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At artradie we want to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for both Buyers and Sellers. After purchasing artwork, Buyers are responsible for arranging shipping with the Seller. Shipping methods and costs may vary depending on the form of shipping and the location of the Buyer and Seller.

We encourage Buyers to contact the Seller directly to discuss and make arrangements for shipping before completing their purchase. By communicating with the Seller beforehand, Buyers can avoid any surprises regarding shipping costs and ensure a satisfactory delivery experience. 

At artradie we prioritise the satisfaction of our Buyers and aim to facilitate a transparent and fair purchasing process. In the event that a Buyer wishes to request a refund after purchasing artwork, we advise them to directly communicate with the Seller to address any concerns or issues. While refunds are handled at the discretion of the Seller, artradie is committed to assisting Buyers in facilitating these discussions, please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

We thoroughly review all our artists and take strict measures if any artist fails to honor their sale commitments. Our goal is to ensure a positive and trustworthy experience for both Buyers and Sellers within our vibrant art community.

To engage with a Seller prior to making a purchase, simply navigate to their shop home page and click the Questions/Support button. Please note that you must be registered as a customer to send messages to the artists. Registration is free of charge, and you are not required to complete any orders to create a customer account.

Please contact the Seller directly and if necessary the courier and/or shipping agent or company.

Please advise artradie at [email protected] if you are concerned that your artwork as purchased is not likely to arrive despite your efforts to resolve the issue with the Seller. As necessary, we will contact the Seller for further information and as appropriate update you.

At our store, you can pay for artwork using our secure payment gateway Stripe which supports a wide range of credit cards for your convenience. With Stripe, you can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB and Diners Club cards, among others. 

In addition, we offer direct bank transfers as an alternative payment method upon request.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more information on how to proceed with bank transfer payments.

Rest assured, whichever payment method you choose, you will have flexibility and security in completing your purchase.

If you suspect that a Seller on artradie is scamming you, contact your bank urgently to suspend the payment if possible and/or to collect information about where the money may have gone.

Please also let artradie know at [email protected] that you suspect a Seller has or is scamming you and we will also undertake enquiries and report back to you.

The Ministry of Employment, Business and Innnovation (MBIE) recommends the following to avoid being scammed.

  1. Be suspicious
  2. Don’t trust unexpected contact
  3. Do your research
  4. Resist demands to act quickly
  5. Keep your computer virus protection up to date
  6. Never open attachments or click on links in email if words or image make you feel unsure about the sender
  7. Use different passwords for logging in to online services
  8. Reserve the right to be impolite.

While artradie does not guarantee delivery of an artwork you have purchased from a Seller on the artradie site, we will work with you to get to the bottom of why an artwork has not been delivered.

Artradie New Zealand Online Art Marketplace How Is Artwork Sold 2024 V04

How is Artwork Sold

1. Buyer Makes Purchase:
  • The Buyer adds the product to their cart and makes the payment via the checkout page.
2. Buyer Contacts Seller:
  • The Buyer contacts the Seller to inquire about the shipping and delivery process including costs.
3. Seller Receives Order:
  • The Seller receives notification of the sale via their dashboard and an email notification. The payment is automatically divided between the Seller and artradie, and it appears in the Seller’s Stripe account on the same day.
  • Stripe typically transfers the money to the connected bank account within four (4) business days after a sale. However, the exact transfer time may vary depending on your bank and the specific circumstances of the transaction. You can check your Stripe dashboard for the specific transfer times.
4. Seller Reviews Order:
  • The Seller reviews the order details and verifies the received payment in Stripe.
5. Seller Arranges Shipping:
  • The Seller arranges and confirms the shipping and delivery with the Buyer using the contact details received via order emails.
6. Seller Ships the Order:
  • The Seller ships the order. The Seller tracks and communicates with the Buyer to ensure the order is delivered. This includes tracking the order, monitoring delivery, and handling customer inquiries.
7. Order is Delivered:
  • Once the order is delivered, the Seller marks the order as complete in the dashboard.
8. Request a Review:
  • The Seller asks the Buyer for a review.